Due to the unprecedentedly serious situation created by the Coronavirus crisis, France has announced very strong measures which will involve drastically reducing all travel to French territory. Also the external borders of the Schengen area are closed as of March 17 for 30 days.
To date, are authorized to enter French territory:
– Nationals of the European Union, the Schengen area and the United Kingdom, with their spouse and their children, in order to return to their home.
– Nationals of other countries, on the other hand, will no longer be able to enter France for the next 30 days, barring exceptions – for example if they have their permanent residence in France.
Furthermore, as part of the implementation of Prime Ministerial Instruction No. 6149 / SG of March 18, 2020 relating to the decisions taken to fight the dCovid-19 in border control matters, the Ministry of the Interior has established a certificate for a derogatory international movement to metropolitan France or the overseas territories.